The PayDock platform is designed to be as simple and easy to use as possible.
There are a few different ways to interact with PayDock:
- The API is a REST API, giving you full control
- Client SDK is a client side javascript library, which provides a secure way of collecting payment information and an easy way to access Paypal and saved payment sources
- Using one of our SDKs, including PHP, .Net, Java or Android
Getting started
You can get up and running using the PayDock API in just a few minutes.
Sign up for a sandbox account by contacting PayDock here. This will give you access to the admin portal.
If you do not already have services to connect, you can usually sign up for test accounts. You can see a list of some of the services we support here.
Then add a gateway in Gateway --> Add New:
You can retrieve your API public and secret key from the admin portal in My Company --> API & Settings, which you'll need to authenticate:
Once done, jump into one of our Recipes:
Key Concepts
There are a few key concepts that help understand how to get the most out of PayDock's Platform
Concept | Description |
one-time token | This is a token that represents payment information. This is often generated on client (using Paydock.js or Client SDK). One time tokens expire after 3 hours. |
payment source | A payment source represents a way of paying for something. This could be credit card details, bank account details or a PayPal account. There can be multiple payment sources associated with a customer. |
gateway | A gateway is a payment gateway of any type that payments are routed to, eg Braintree, PayPal. |
vault | The vault is PayDock's PCI compliant storage vault of payment sources. |
vault token | A vault token is the reference code for a payment source, eg a credit card and expiry date |
subscription | A subscription is a scheduled payment plan for a customer. |
sandbox | A sandbox environment is a place where test API calls can be made without charging customers. |
customer | An individual who can make payments. |
admin portal | Web interface to manage your PayDock account |
An endpoint is a unique URL that represents an object or collection of objects which serves as the base of all PayDock API interactions.
PayDock provides two different public environments to access. You can access the different environments from the following URLS:
Environment | API | Admin portal |
Sandbox | | |
Production | | |
To set up API calls, prepend all calls with:
Sandbox -
Production -
Throughout the documentation URLs are provided relative to these base URLs.
GET /v1/gateways
for Sandbox, represents
GET /v1/gateways
for Production, represents
Authenticate with our API is provided by providing either your API Public Key or API Secret Key, depending on how you are using the PayDock platform. These are 40 character strings which you can find in out web app:
Authentication is managed slightly differently depending on how you're connecting to PayDock.
Connecting to the PayDock from the client side is managed through the Public Key. There are a couple of ways to use the public key:
- using Paydock.js, the API Public Key is set with a function call
- using the iFrame, tthe API Public Key is set as a querystring parameter
All other authentication is through the API Secret Key. This is used to secure server side calls:
- using the API, the API Secret Key is added as a header
Response codes / Error codes
PayDock's API follows REST principles on status codes returned from our API.
In addition, the API will generally return a detailed error message and any downstream errors. See the right panel for examples
HTTP code | Meaning | Description | Request type |
200 | Call successful | Appears on success request | any |
201 | Created successfully | Appears on success request while creating new resource | POST |
400 | Merchant data error | There is also an error code in response. Check the "error_summary" section for the details. | any |
403 | Permission denied | Authorization token does not have permission | any |
404 | Resource not found | The requested resource by id is not found for your visibility scope | any |
500 | System error | Unexpected server error | any |
408 | API unavailable | Only for .Net SDK. The response from the .Net SDK when it can't reach the API for some time | any |
In addition, the API will generally return a detailed error message and any downstream errors. See the right panel for examples
"Gateway processing error"
"error_summary": {
"message": "Transaction Declined",
"code": "transaction_declined",
"status_code": "05",
"status_code_description": "Do not honour",
"details": {
"gateway_specific_code": "DECLINED",
"gateway_specific_description": "The requested operation was not successful",
"messages": [
"Transaction Declined"
http code |
Cause |
Error Code |
Error Structure |
400 |
Internal validation |
message: string, code: string, details: { path?: string, messages: string[] } } |
400 |
gateway validation |
message: string, code: string, details: { path?: string, gateway_specific_code: string, gateway_specific_description: string messages: string[] } } |
400 |
gateway proccesing |
message: string,
code: string, status_code: string, status_code_description: string, details: { path?: string, gateway_specific_code: string, gateway_specific_description: string messages: string[] } } |
400 - 599 |
other |
message: string, code: string, details: { messages: string[] } } |
PayDock vault
"Example response with vault token"
"status": 201,
"error": null,
"resource": {
"type": "customer",
"data": {
"__v": 0,
"created_at": "2017-01-24T23:28:14.045Z",
"updated_at": "2017-01-24T23:28:14.045Z",
"status": "active",
"default_source": "5887e30d28e281756b883f64",
"reference": "Fuga consequuntur sint ab magnam",
"first_name": "Natalie",
"last_name": "Foster",
"email": "",
"_id": "5887e30c28e281756b883f63",
"payment_sources": [
"updated_at": "2017-01-24T23:28:14.045Z",
"vault_token": "dd634c0c-ea3b-4d82-b7fb-5ef2d2949ff6",
"gateway_id": "58377235377aea03343240cc",
"card_name": "Natalie Foster",
"expire_month": 1,
"expire_year": 2019,
"card_number_last4": "1111",
"card_scheme": "visa",
"ref_token": "53774915",
"status": "active",
"created_at": "2017-01-24T23:28:13.826Z",
"_id": "5887e30d28e281756b883f64",
"type": "card"
"statistics": {
"total_collected_amount": 0,
"successful_transactions": 0
"_service": {
"default_gateway_id": "58377235377aea03343240cc"
PayDock provides a PCI compliant vault for payment details. When the vault is enabled, all payment details are stored in the vault. The vault is enabled or disabled across a whole PayDock account, rather than for individual requests.
When the vault is enabled, any time a payment source is added, this information is stored in the vault. This most commonly happens when a payment source is added to a customer or a new customer is created. This is also visible in the response, which includes the id for the vault token, see example to the right (payment_sources -> vault_token).
Access tokens
With the help of access tokens, you can grant your PayDock integration particular permissions based on your needs. An access token can be used as a header for making API requests instead of public and secret API keys. You can create an unlimited number of access tokens with various permissions and a configurable expiry.
field | required | type | description |
label | - | string | Name of the access token to identify it further |
expiration_in | - | number (seconds) | Time period in seconds after which the access token will expire |
permissions | + | string | Actions the user will be able to perform with the access token |
Here is how it looks in the dashboard when you click ‘Create New’:
You can generate an external access token in your PayDock dashboard if your role has the corresponding privileges. You can give only those permissions to this token which are enabled for your role.
You can set permissions for individual endpoints. For example, instead of granting all charge-related permissions (creating, modifying, searching, getting by ID, archiving, etc.), you can choose only specific ones. As a result, your token could be used only for searching charges but not for creating them.
You can deactivate an access token at any time. It can be useful for cases when you delegate some work on integration to third-party developers. Once the work is done, you can deactivate the token without worrying that it can be used for some unauthorized actions.
The usage of an access token can be tracked as well. You can view the statistics in the Profile menu -> ‘Audit’ in the dashboard.
We are building a number of recipes that cover the most common use cases for the PayDock platform.
Recipes available:
Taking a single payment
The simplest use of the PayDock platform is also the most common: taking a payment. This example shows how to take a credit card payment using the Client SDK and Charges.
The best way to take a payment on PayDock is to:
Generate an iFrame using the Client SDK that collects the payment details from a customer - this will convert the payment details to a one-time token.
A "Charge" call will be submitted to PayDock's API using the token and payment amount to make the payment.
Set up
You'll need a page to display a payment form and your PayDock public key (How do I get my public key?).
Generating a one-time token using the Client SDK
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">
<title>Donate to save puppies</title>
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 100%;height: 300px;}</style>
<div class="container">
<div class="col-sm-5">
<h1>Donate to save puppies</h1>
<form id="donation_form" method="post" action="form.php">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Donate </label>
<select class="form-control" name="donation">
<option value="100">$100</option>
<option value="50">$50</option>
<div class="form-group" id="iframeForm">
<input type="hidden" id="payment_source" name="payment_source">
<script src=""></script>
var widget = new paydock.HtmlWidget('#iframeForm', 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY', 'YOUR_GATEWAY_ID'); // public key, gateway_id here
widget.onFinishInsert('#payment_source', 'payment_source');
widget.on('finish', function (data) {
In this example we'll use the Client SDK to create a one-time token, which we'll use to make the payment.
In this case, our payment page lets someone select an amount to donate and provides their credit card details. The payment details on the donation page are collected through the PayDock iFrame, which means that the payment details are never sent to through to your server.
The Client SDK attaches the one time token to the form, then submits the form.
Note: The form will not process the transaction until the backend infrastructure is set up to handle the token.
Taking a payment
Next, to take a payment, use the one-time token to add the charge.
When a customer submits the form to make a donation, this sends the token that represents their payment details to the server.
From there, this token and the amount needs to be sent to PayDock to make a payment.
Note: Toggle PHP in the top right to see an example code snippet on the right
Creating a subscription with PayPal Checkout
Another common use case for the PayDock platform is driving subscriptions through the platform with PayPal into your website.
We're going to use the PayDock Client SDK to generate a payment form with the PayPal Checkout button that we're going to create a subscription with.
We've set the subscription to end after 12 transactions, however you can change this by referring to our subscription parameters.
Add PayPal Checkout Gateway
First, you must connect the PayPal Checkout gateway to PayDock.
Please refer to our PayPal Checkout integration guide.
Generating a one-time token through PayPal Checkout
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">
<div class="container">
<div class="col-sm-5">
<form id="button_form" method="post" action="">
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control" name="amount">
<option value="100">$100</option>
<option value="50">$50</option>
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control" name="interval">
<option value="day">day</option>
<option value="week">week</option>
<option value="month">month</option>
<option value="year">year</option>
<button type="button" id="button">
<img src="" align="left" style="margin-right:7px;">
<input type="hidden" id="payment_source_token" name="payment_source_token" />
<input type="text" name="pst" />
<script src="" ></script>
var button = new paydock.CheckoutButton('#button', 'input public key', 'your paypal checkout gateway id');
button.onFinishInsert('input[name="pst"]', 'payment_source_token');
button.onFinishInsert('#payment_source_token', 'payment_source_token');
button.onFinishInsert('#amount', 'amount');
button.onFinishInsert('#interval', 'interval');
brand_name: 'PayDock',
reference: '15',
first_name: 'receiver-name',
last_name: 'receiver-last-name',
phone: '9379992'
button.on('finish', function(data) {
console.log('on:finish', data);
Use our Client SDK to generate a payment form that redirects the customer towards the external PayPal Checkout proces.
After the customer completes the PayPal Checkout process, we'll generate a one time token that is used to create a subscription by calling the PayDock API.
The payment details on the donation page are collected through the PayPal Checkout process and then tokenised in PayDock meaning the payment details are never sent to your server.
Note: The form will not process the transaction until the backend infrastructure is set up to handle the token.
Creating the subscription
Next, use the one-time token to create a subscription.
After a customer submits the form, we'll call the PayDock API and create a subscription using the payment token generated in the previous step.
Note: Toggle PHP in the top right to see an example code snippet on the right
API Reference
The PayDock API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors.
To make the API as explorable as possible, accounts have test mode and live mode API keys. There is no "switch" for changing between modes, just use the appropriate URL to perform a live or test transaction. Requests made with test mode credentials never hit the banking networks and incur no cost.
PayDock users can interact with the service in a number of ways.
Visit PayDock Postman documentation page:
Or visit PayDock Master Merchant (Brand) documentation:
Development SDKs
PayDock provides SDKs or libaries for different programming languages to make integration as simple as possible.
Client side
Client SDK
The Client SDK is our recommended solution for collecting payment details on your website.
The Client SDK is also available through npm.
More detailed documentation on classes and methods available through npm - reference by class.
PayDock.js is a legacy solution to tokenise credit card credentials and taking payments online. Our recommended solution is to use the Client SDK.
PayDock.js is a client side library for converting all Credit Card and Direct Debit credentials into one-time tokens and securely sending financial information through a web form.
PayDock iFrame
PayDock iFrame is a legacy solution for tokenising credit card information and sending it through to PayDock. Our recommended solution is to use the Client SDK.
php SDK
The php SDK is available through composer on Packagist.
It's open source, with the code available on github. We welcome feedback on the SDK.
.Net SDK
The .Net SDK comes in 2 flavours: .Net 4.0 and .Net Core:
It's open source, with the code available on github. We welcome feedback on the SDK.
Java SDK
The Java SDK is available from JCentre.
There are different dependency snippets to be inserted in your code based on your build settings (we support Gradle, Maven or Ivy).
It's open source, with the code available on github. We welcome feedback on the SDK.
It is a solution for collecting and handling payment sources in secure way.
With SDK you can create a payment form widget as an independent part or insert use inside your form.
The SDK supports methods for customization of widget by your needs (styling, form fields, etc)
Other information
To work with the widget you will need public_key or access_token (see Authentication)
Also you will need added gateway (see API Reference by gateway)
Get started
The Client SDK ships in JavaScript ES6 (EcmaScript 2015) in three different formats (CJS, ESM and UMD) along with respective TypeScript declarations. Below, we exemplify how to import each format.
Download from CDN
<script src=""></script>
var widget = new paydock.HtmlWidget('#tag', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
For browser environments, you can import the Client SDK directly from our CDN to
your project's HTML. To accomplish this, include the Client SDK in your page
using one and only of the two script tags below. After this step you will be
able to access the Client SDK features via the global variable paydock
For production we recommend using the compressed version (.min.js
) since
it will result in faster loading times for your end users.
Compressed version for production:
Full version for development and debug:
You may download the production version of the Client SDK scripts here, and, the development version here.
For more advanced use-cases, the library has UMD format that can be used in RequireJS, Webpack, etc.
With package manager
// module import - CommonJS/Node projects ✅
const paydock = require('@paydock/client-sdk')
const api = new paydock.Api('publicKey');
// named import - ESM projects or TypeScript projects ✅
import { HtmlWidget } from '@paydock/client-sdk'
const widget = new HtmlWidget('#selector', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
// namespaced import - ESM projects or TypeScript projects ✅
import * as Paydock from '@paydock/client-sdk'
const widget = new Paydock.HtmlWidget('#selector', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
// default import - We do not provide default exports. They are handled differently by different tools!
import paydock from '@paydock/client-sdk'
>>> "Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module does not provide an export named 'default'"
Our NPM package is compatible with all package managers (e.g., npm
, yarn
, bun
). Using npm
the following command would add the Client SDK as a
production dependency.
npm install @paydock/client-sdk
After installation is complete, if you are developing in NodeJS environments or
using tools that expect your JavaScript code to be in CJS format (e.g., Jest,
Karma, RequireJS, Webpack), you can import the Client SDK using CommonJS modules.
For these environments the UMD format (@paydock/client-sdk/bundles/widget.umd.js
can also be used as a fallback. Alternatively, in case you are developing in
projects that have access to modern bundlers such as Vite or others (e.g., SPA
libs or SSR Metaframeworks), you can import the Client SDK features using ESM
through named imports or namespaced imports.
You can find description of all methods and parameters here
A payment form where it is possible to enter card data/bank accounts and then receive a one-time token for charges, subscriptions etc. This form can be customized, you can customize the fields and set styles. It is possible in real-time to monitor the actions of user with widget and get information about payment-source using events.
Widget simple example
<div id="widget"></div>
You must create a container for the widget. Inside this tag, the widget will be initialized
Then write only need 2 lines of code in js to initialize widget
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 100%;height: 300px;}</style>
<form id="paymentForm">
<div id="widget"></div>
<input name="payment_source_token" id="payment_source_token" type="hidden">
<script src="" ></script>
var widget = new paydock.HtmlWidget('#widget', 'publicKey');
widget.onFinishInsert('input[name="payment_source_token"]', 'payment_source');
Widget advanced example
This example shows how you can customize to your needs and design
Customization from html
<div id="widget"
widget-style="text-color: #FFFFAA; border-color: #yellow"
title="Payment form"
finish-text="Payment resource was successfully accepted"></div>
This example shows how you can set style and texts from html
This example shows how you can use a lot of other methods to settings your form
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 100%;height: 400px;}</style>
<form id="paymentForm">
<div id="widget"
widget-style="text-color: #FFFFAA; border-color: #yellow"
title="Payment form"
finish-text="Payment resource was successfully accepted"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
var widget = new paydock.HtmlWidget('#widget', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
widget.setSupportedCardIcons(['mastercard', 'visa']);
widget.setFormFields(['phone', 'email']);
widget.onFinishInsert('input[name="payment_source_token"]', 'payment_source');z
Payment sources widget
You can find description of all methods and parameters here
This widget provides a list of previously added (saved) payment-sources by customer_id or reference. The widget provides an opportunity to use events to track the process of selecting payment-sources and provide meta information about the payment-sources.
Payment-source requires a query_token that represents a pre-generated and secure token for limiting the list payment-sources, for a specific user or reference.
In order to generate this token, you need to send a GET request to getCustomerList where required query parameter must be id or reference. In response you get response.query_token which you can use in the widget.
Payment sources simple example
<div id="list"></div>
You must create a container for the widget. Inside this tag, the widget will be initialized
Then write only need 2 lines of code in js to initialize widget
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 300px;}</style>
<div id="list"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
var list = new paydock.HtmlPaymentSourceWidget('#list', 'publicKey', 'queryToken');
Payment sources advanced example
This example shows how you can customize to your needs and design
This example shows how you can use a lot of other methods to settings your form
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 300px;}</style>
<div id="list"></div>
<input type="text" name="ps_id" />
<script src="" ></script>
var list = new paydock.HtmlPaymentSourceWidget('#list', 'publicKey', 'queryToken');
list.filterByTypes(['card', 'checkout']);
icon_size: 'small'
list.onSelectInsert('input[name="ps_id"]', 'payment_source_id');
list.on('select', function(data) {
Checkout button
You can find description of all methods and parameters here PayPal meta parameters description here Zipmoney meta parameters description here
This widget allows you to turn your button into a full Checkout Button. As a result, you will be able to receive a one-time token for charges, subscriptions etc. And other data given to the user by the payment gateway.
Checkout button simple example
<button type="button" id="button">
You must create a button to turn it into checkout-button
Then write only need 1 line of code in js to initialize widget
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<button type="button" id="button">checkout</button>
<script src="" ></script>
var button = new paydock.PaypalCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey');
Checkout button advanced example
Optional methods
This example shows how you can use a lot of other methods to settings your button
Full Paypal example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<form id="paymentForm">
<button type="button" id="button">
<img src="" align="left" style="margin-right:7px;">
<input type="text" name="pst" />
<script src="" ></script>
var button = new paydock.PaypalCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
button.onFinishInsert('input[name="pst"]', 'payment_source_token');
brand_name: 'Paydock',
reference: '15',
first_name: 'Joshua',
last_name: 'Wood',
phone: '0231049872'});
button.on('finish', function (data) {
console.log('on:finish', data);
Full ZipMoney example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<form id="paymentForm">
<button type="button" id="button">
<img src="" align="left" style="margin-right:7px;">
<input type="text" name="pst" />
<script src="" ></script>
var button = new paydock.ZipmoneyCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
button.onFinishInsert('input[name="pst"]', 'payment_source_token');
button.setMeta("first_name": "Joshua",
"tokenize": true,
"last_name": "Wood",
"gender": "male",
"charge": {
"amount": "4",
"shipping_type": "delivery",
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "Joshua",
"last_name": "Wood",
"line1": "Suite 660",
"line2": "822 Ruiz Square",
"country": "AU",
"postcode": "3223",
"city": "Sydney",
"state": "LA"
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Joshua",
"last_name": "Wood",
"line1": "Suite 660",
"line2": "test",
"country": "AU",
"postcode": "3223",
"city": "Sydney",
"state": "LA"
"items": [
"name":"ACME Toolbox",
"quantity": 1,
"reference":"Fuga consequuntur sint ab magnam"
"name":"Device 42",
"quantity": 1,
"reference":"Fuga consequuntur sint ab magnam"
"statistics": {
"account_created": "2017-05-05",
"sales_total_number": "5",
"sales_total_amount": "4",
"sales_avg_value": "45",
"sales_max_value": "400",
"refunds_total_amount": "21",
"previous_chargeback": "true",
"currency": "AUD",
"last_login": "2017-06-01"
button.on('finish', function (data) {
console.log('on:finish', data);
Full Aftepay example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<button type="button" id="button">
<img src="" align="left" style="margin-right:7px;">
<input type="text" name="pst" />
<script src="" ></script>
var button = new paydock.AfterpayCheckoutButton('#button', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
button.onFinishInsert('input[name="pst"]', 'payment_source_token');
amount: "100",
currency: "AUD",
reference: 'Vitae commodi provident assumenda',
email: '',
first_name: 'Wanda',
last_name: 'Mertz',
address_line: '61426 Osvaldo Plains',
address_line2: 'Apt. 276',
address_city: 'Lake Robyn',
address_state: 'WY',
address_postcode: '07396',
address_country: 'Australia',
phone: '0412345678',
button.on('finish', function (data) {
console.log('on:finish', data);
You can find description of all methods and parameters here
This wrapper helps you to work with paydock api emdpoints
Get browser details
Then write only need 2 lines of code in js to make request
Initialization full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="" ></script>
(async function() {
var response = await new Api('publicKey').setEnv('env').charge().preAuth({
amount: 100,
currency: 'AUD',
token: 'token',
You can find description of all methods and parameters here
This widget provides you to integrate 3d Secure
Canvas3ds simple example
<div id="widget"></div>
You must create a container for the widget. Inside this tag, the widget will be initialized
Then write only need 2 lines of code in js to initialize widget
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 300px;}</style>
<div id="widget"></div>
<script src=""></script>
var canvas3ds = new paydock.Canvas3ds('#widget', 'token');
Canvas3ds advanced example
This example shows how you can use a lot of other methods to settings your form
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 450px;}</style>
<div id="widget3ds"></div>
<script src=""></script>
var canvas3ds = new paydock.Canvas3ds('#widget3ds', 'token');
canvas3ds.on('chargeAuthSuccess', function (data) {
console.log('chargeAuthSuccess', data);
canvas3ds.on('chargeAuthReject', function (data) {
console.log('chargeAuthReject', data);
Full example with pre authorization
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 450px;}</style>
<div id="widget"></div>
<div id="widget3ds"></div>
<script src=""></script>
(async function () {
var htmlWidget = new paydock.HtmlWidget('#widget', 'publicKey', 'gatewayId');
var {payment_source} = await htmlWidget.on('finish');
var preAuthResp = await new paydock.Api('publicKey').setEnv('sandbox').charge().preAuth({
amount: 100,
currency: 'AUD',
token: payment_source,
var canvas = new paydock.Canvas3ds('#widget3ds', preAuthResp._3ds.token);
var chargeAuthEvent = await canvas.on('chargeAuth');
console.log('chargeAuthEvent', chargeAuthEvent);
Canvas 3ds for Standalone 3ds charges
After you initialized the standalone 3ds charge via v1/charges/standalone-3ds
API endpoint, you get a token used to initialize the Canvas3ds. All above information regarding setup, loading and initialization still apply.
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
iframe {
border: 0;
width: 40%;
height: 450px;
<div id="widget3ds"></div>
<script src=""></script>
var canvas3ds = new paydock.Canvas3ds("#widget3ds", "token");
canvas3ds.on("chargeAuthSuccess", function (data) {
canvas3ds.on("chargeAuthReject", function (data) {
canvas3ds.on("chargeAuthChallenge", function (data) {
canvas3ds.on("chargeAuthDecoupled", function (data) {
canvas3ds.on("chargeAuthInfo", function (data) {
canvas3ds.on("error", function ({ charge_3ds_id, error }) {
- The
event is executed both for frictionless flow, or for challenge flow after the customer has correctly authenticated with the bank using whatever challenge imposed. - The
event is executed when the authorization was rejected or when a timeout was received by the underlying system:- A
will be received for timeouts. - A
will be received when the authorization was rejected. - A
will be received for unhandled situations.
- A
- The
event is sent before starting a challenge flow (i.e. opening an IFrame for the customer to complete a challenge with ther bank). Once the end customer performs the challenge, the Canvas3ds will be able to identify the challenge result and will either produce achargeAuthSuccess
event. - The
event is sent when the flow is a decoupled challenge, alongside adata.result.description
field that you must show to the customer, indicating the method the user must use to authenticate. For example this may happen by having the cardholder authenticating directly with their banking app through biometrics. Once the end customer does this, the Canvas3ds will be able to recognize the challenge result is ready and will either produce achargeAuthSuccess
event. - The
event is sent if an unexpected issue with the client library occurs. In such scenarios, you should consider the autentication process as interrupted:- When getting this event, you will get on
the full error object.
- When getting this event, you will get on
Events and Values
Event Value | Type | Description |
chargeAuthSuccess |
object |
Instance of ChargeEventResponse |
chargeAuthReject |
object |
Instance of ChargeEventResponse |
chargeAuthChallenge |
object |
Instance of ChargeEventResponse |
chargeAuthDecoupled |
object |
Instance of ChargeEventResponse |
chargeAuthInfo |
object |
Instance of ChargeEventResponse |
error |
object |
Instance of chargeError |
Response Values
Param | Type | Description |
status |
string |
status for the event transaction |
charge_3ds_id |
string |
Universal unique transaction identifier to identify the transaction |
info |
string |
info field for chargeAuthInfo event |
result.description |
string [Optional] |
field that you must show to the customer, indicating the method the user must use to authenticate during the decoupled challenge flow. |
Param | Type | Description |
error |
object |
error response |
charge_3ds_id |
string |
Universal unique transaction identifier to identify the transaction |
Vault Display Widget
You can find description of all methods and parameters here
The vault display form allows viewing card number and CVV. The form can be customised according to your needs. You can set styles as well as subscribe to widget events that help monitor user’s actions in real time.
Vault Display Widget simple example
<div id="widget"></div>
You must create a container for the widget. Inside this tag, the widget will be initialized
Then write only need 2 lines of code in js to initialize widget
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 100%;height: 300px;}</style>
<div id="widget"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
var widget = new paydock.VaultDisplayWidget('#widget', 'token');
Widget advanced example
This example shows how you can use a lot of other methods to settings your form
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 450px;}</style>
<div id="widget"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
var widget = new paydock.VaultDisplayWidget('#widget', 'token');
widget.on('after_load', function (data) {
widget.on('cvv_secure_code_requested', function (data) {
widget.on('card_number_secure_code_requested', function (data) {
background_color: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
border_color: 'yellow',
text_color: '#FFFFAA',
button_color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',
font_size: '20px'
Wallet Buttons
You can find description of all methods and parameters here
Wallet Buttons allow you to easily integrate different E-Wallets into your checkout. Currently supports ApplePay, Google Pay, Google Pay and Apple Pay via Stripe, Flypay and Flypay V2 checkout, Paypal Smart Buttons Checkout and Afterpay.
If available in your client environment, you will display a simple button that upon clicking it the user will follow the standard flow for the appropriate Wallet. If not available an event will be raised and no button will be displayed.
Wallet Buttons simple example
<div id="widget"></div>
You must create a container for the Wallet Buttons. Inside this tag, the button will be initialized.
Before initializing the button, you must perform a POST request to charges/wallet
from a secure environment like your server. This call will return a token that is required to load the button and securely complete the payment. You can find the documentation to this call in the PayDock API documentation.
The following is the minimum required initialization parameters for Apple Pay and Google Pay via Stripe:
let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
amount_label: "Total",
country: "DE",
Flypay and Paypal wallets do not require any meta sent to the wallet, so the following is enough for initialization:
let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
For Afterpay wallet, the country code is required:
let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
country: "AU",
For Flypay v2 wallet, the client_id is required:
let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
client_id: "client_id",
Setting environment
Current method can change environment. By default environment = sandbox.
Bear in mind that you must set an environment before calling button.load()
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
<div id="widget"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
amount_label: "Total",
country: "DE",
Wallet Buttons advanced example
Checking for button availability
If the customer's browser is not supported, or the customer does not have any card added to their Google Pay or Apple Pay wallets, the button will not load. In this case the callback onUnavailable() will be called. You can define the behavior of this function before loading the button.
Forcibly closing the checkout
In some situations you may want to forcibly close the checkout so that your user is back in your checkout screen, fow which you can use this method. Currently supported by Flypay wallet only.
Performing actions when the wallet button is clicked
In some situations you may want to perform some validations or actions when the user clicks on the wallet button, for which you can use this method. Currently supported by Paypal, ApplePay and GooglePay wallets.
Performing actions when shipping info is updated
In Flypay, Paypal, ApplePay via MPGS and GooglePay via MPGS integrations after each shipping info update the onUpdate(data)
will be called with the selected shipping address information, plus selected shipping method when applicable for Paypal, ApplePay and GooglePay. Merchants should handle this callback, recalculate shipping costs in their server by analyzing the new data, and submit a backend to backend request to POST charges/:id
with the new total amount and shipping amount (you can find the documentation of this call in the PayDock API documentation).
For Paypal integration specifically, if shipping is enabled for the wallet button and different shipping methods were provided in the create wallet charge call, Merchants must ensure that the posted shipping.amount
to POST charges/:id
matches the selected shipping option amount (value sent in when initializing the wallet charge). In other words, when providing shipping methods the shipping amount is bound to being one of the provided shipping method amount necessarily. Bear in mind that the total charge amount must include the shipping.amount
, since it represents the full amount to be charged to the customer.
After analyzing the new shipping information, and making the post with the updated charge and shipping amounts if necessary, the button.update({ success: true/false })
wallet button method needs to be called to resume the interactions with the customer. Not calling this will result in unexpected behavior.
For ApplePay via MPGS and GooglePay via MPGS integrations, you can also return a new amount
and new shipping_options
in case new options are needed based on the updated shipping data. Before the user authorizes the transaction, you receive redacted address information (address_country, address_city, address_state, address_postcode), and this data can be used to recalculate the new amount and new shipping options.
Performing actions after the payment is completed
After the payment is completed, the onPaymentSuccessful(data) will be called if the payment was successful. If the payment was not successful, the function onPaymentError(data) will be called. If fraud check is active for the gateway, a fraud body was sent in the wallet charge initialize call and the fraud service left the charge in review, then the onPaymentInReview(data) will be called. All three callbacks return relevant data according to each one of the scenarios.
Note that these callbacks will not trigger for Afterpay wallet since the payment completion for it is done via Redirect method, and therefore this SDK won't be loaded once the payment is completed at checkout.
The above events can be used in a more generic way via de on
function, and making use
of the corresponding event names.
This example shows how to use these functions for Apple and Google Pay via Stripe:
(Required meta
fields: amount_label
, country
. Optional meta
fields: wallets
Apple and Google Pay via Stripe Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
<div id="widget"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
amount_label: "Total",
country: "DE",
wallets: ["google", "apple"],
button.onUnavailable(() => console.log("No wallet buttons available"));
button.onPaymentSuccessful((data) => console.log("The payment was successful"));
button.onPaymentError((data) => console.log("The payment was not successful"));
button.onPaymentInReview((data) => console.log("The payment is on fraud review"));
This example shows how to use these functions for Paypal Smart Checkout Buttons:
(Required meta
fields: - . Optional meta
fields: request_shipping
, pay_later
, standalone
, style
Paypal Smart Checkout Buttons Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
<div id="widget"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
request_shipping: true,
pay_later: true,
standalone: false,
style: {
layout: 'horizontal',
color: 'blue',
shape: 'rect',
label: 'paypal',
button.onUnavailable(() => console.log("No wallet buttons available"));
button.onUpdate((data) => {
console.log("Updating amount via a backend to backend call to POST charges/:id");
// call `POST charges/:id` to modify charge
button.update({ success: true });
button.onPaymentSuccessful((data) => console.log("The payment was successful"));
button.onPaymentError((data) => console.log("The payment was not successful"));
button.onPaymentInReview((data) => console.log("The payment is on fraud review"));
// Example 1: Asynchronous onClick handler
const asyncLogic = async () => {
// Perform asynchronous logic. Expectation is that a Promise is returned and attached to response via `attachResult`,
// and resolve or reject of it will dictate how wallet behaves.
button.onClick(({ data: { attachResult } }) => {
// Promise is attached to the result. On Paypal, when promise is resolved, the user Journey will continue.
// If no promise is attached then the Paypal journey will not depend on the promise being resolved or rejected
// Example 2: Synchronous onClick handler
// button.onClick(({ data: { attachResult } }) => {
// // Perform synchronous logic
// console.log("Synchronous onClick: Button clicked");
// // Optionally return a boolean flag to halt the operation
// attachResult(false);
// });
This example shows how to use these functions for Flypay v1 Wallet.
(Required meta
fields: - . Optional meta
fields: request_shipping
, pay_later
, style
Flypay Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
<div id="widget"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
request_shipping: true
button.onUnavailable(() => console.log("No wallet buttons available"));
button.onUpdate((data) => {
console.log("Updating amount via a backend to backend call to POST charges/:id");
// call `POST charges/:id` to modify charge
button.update({ success: true });
button.onPaymentSuccessful((data) => console.log("The payment was successful"));
button.onPaymentError((data) => console.log("The payment was not successful"));
button.onPaymentInReview((data) => console.log("The payment is on fraud review"));
This example shows how to use these functions for Flypay v2 Wallet.
(Required meta
fields: - . Optional meta
fields: -)
Flypay V2 Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
<div id="widget"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
access_token: 'TOKEN',
refresh_token: 'TOKEN',
client_id: 'CLIENT_ID',
button.onUnavailable((data) => console.log("No wallet buttons available"));
button.onPaymentSuccessful((data) => console.log("The payment was successful"));
button.onPaymentError((data) => console.log("The payment was not successful"));
button.onAuthTokensChanged((data) => console.log('Authentication tokens changed'));
This example shows how to use these functions for ApplePay via MPGS and GooglePay via MPGS:
(Required meta
fields: amount_label
, country
. Optional meta
fields: raw_data_initialization
, request_shipping
, style.button_type
ApplePay and GooglePay via MPGS Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
<div id="widget"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
amount_label: "Total",
country: 'DE',
request_shipping: true,
show_billing_address: true,
style: {
google: {
button_type: 'buy',
button_size_mode: 'static',
button_color: 'white',
apple: {
button_type: 'buy',
shipping_options: [
id: "FreeShip",
label: "Free Shipping",
detail: "Arrives in 5 to 7 days",
amount: "0.00"
id: "FastShip",
label: "Fast Shipping",
detail: "Arrives in 1 day",
amount: "10.00"
button.onUnavailable(() => console.log("No wallet buttons available"));
button.onPaymentSuccessful((data) => console.log("The payment was successful"));
button.onPaymentError((data) => console.log("The payment was not successful"));
button.onClick(() => console.log("On WalletButton Click"));
button.onUpdate((data) => {
console.log("Updating amount via a backend to backend call to POST charges/:id");
// call `POST charges/:id` to modify charge
success: true,
body: {
amount: 15,
shipping_options: [
id: "NEW-FreeShip",
label: "NEW - Free Shipping",
detail: "Arrives in 3 to 5 days",
amount: "0.00"
id: "NEW-FastShip",
label: "NEW - Fast Shipping",
detail: "Arrives in less than 1 day",
amount: "10.00"
Also, for ApplePay via MPGS you can initialize the ApplePayPaymentRequest
with your own values instead of using the default ones. Below you can see an example on how to initialize the ApplePayPaymentRequest
with the raw_data_initialization
meta field.
Similarly, for GooglePay via MPGS you can initialize the PaymentMethodSpecification
with your own values instead of using the default ones. Below you can see an example on how to initialize the PaymentMethodSpecification
with the raw_data_initialization
meta field.
ApplePay and GooglePay via MPGS Raw data initialization example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h2>Payment using PayDock Wallet Button!</h2>
<div id="widget"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
let button = new paydock.WalletButtons(
raw_data_initialization: {
apple: {
countryCode: "AU",
currencyCode: "AUD",
merchantCapabilities: ["supports3DS","supportsCredit","supportsDebit"],
supportedNetworks: ["visa","masterCard","amex","discover"],
requiredBillingContactFields: ["name","postalAddress"],
requiredShippingContactFields:["postalAddress","name","phone","email" ],
total: {
label: "Total",
amount: "10",
type: "final",
google: {
type: "CARD",
parameters: {
allowedAuthMethods: ["PAN_ONLY", "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS"],
allowedCardNetworks: [
billingAddressRequired: true,
amount_label: "Total",
country: 'DE',
request_shipping: true,
show_billing_address: true,
style: {
google: {
button_type: 'buy',
button_size_mode: 'static',
button_color: 'white',
apple: {
button_type: 'buy',
shipping_options: [
id: "FreeShip",
label: "Free Shipping",
detail: "Arrives in 5 to 7 days",
amount: "0.00"
id: "FastShip",
label: "Fast Shipping",
detail: "Arrives in 1 day",
amount: "10.00"
button.onUnavailable(() => console.log("No wallet buttons available"));
button.onPaymentSuccessful((data) => console.log("The payment was successful"));
button.onPaymentError((data) => console.log("The payment was not successful"));
button.onUpdate((data) => {
console.log("Updating amount via a backend to backend call to POST charges/:id");
// call `POST charges/:id` to modify charge
success: true,
body: {
amount: 15,
shipping_options: [
id: "NEW-FreeShip",
label: "NEW - Free Shipping",
detail: "Arrives in 3 to 5 days",
amount: "0.00"
id: "NEW-FastShip",
label: "NEW - Fast Shipping",
detail: "Arrives in less than 1 day",
amount: "10.00"
Click To Pay
Integrate with Click To Pay using Paydock's Click To Pay widget. For a full description of the methods and parameters, reference the README file.
Click To Pay simple example
The following section provides an example use case and integration for the widget.
Create a Container
To integrate the Click To Pay checkout iFrame, create a container in your HTML code. This container serves as the placeholder for the iFrame.
<div id="checkoutIframe"></div>
Initialize the Widget
Use the following code to initialize your widget:
NOTE: Paydock recommends that you use a Paydock Access Token instead of a public key for security reasons in production environments. When creating your access token, you must enable the Secure Remote Commerce
and add a whitelist for the domain of your checkout screen.
Full example
A full example of the container and the initialized widget is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 300px;}</style>
<div id="checkoutIframe"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
var src = new paydock.ClickToPay(
Customize your Click To Pay Checkout
The following is an advanced example that includes customization. You can use these methods to enhance your checkout experience.
Full example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<style>iframe {border: 0;width: 40%;height: 450px;}</style>
<div id="checkoutIframe"></div>
<script src="" ></script>
var src = new paydock.ClickToPay(
src.on('iframeLoaded', () => {
console.log("Initial iframe loaded");
src.on('checkoutReady', () => {
console.log("Checkout ready to be used");
src.on('checkoutCompleted', (token) => {
src.on('checkoutError', (error) => {
Customize your billing address fields
To customize your billing address experience, Paydock uses a flag that manages whether a customer's billing address is mandatory. The options for this customization are NONE (default option), and POSTAL_COUNTRY or FULL.
var src = new paydock.ClickToPay(
"dpa_transaction_options": {
"dpa_billing_preference": "FULL"
The Click To Pay checkout in the example requires the billing address from the customer, which is then returned as a part of the checkout data. The data is then stored and leveraged in the Paydock charge. You can also provide the billing address at the time of creating the charge. For example, if you have a different method for collecting the billing address, such as outside of the Click To Pay checkout, you can provide it alongside other information at the charge creation step: 1. Disable the billing address in Paydock's Click To Pay widget. 2. Get your One Time Token from the Click To Pay widget alongside other details that may have been collected outside the Click To Pay checkout as the shipping address. 3. Send the billing address when creating the charge.
POST v1/charges
"amount": "10.00",
"currency": "AUD",
"token": "one_time_token",
"customer": {
"payment_source": {
"gateway_id": "gateway_id",
"address_line1": "address_line1",
"address_line2": "address_line2",
"address_city": "address_city",
"address_postcode": "address_postcode",
"address_state": "address_state",
"address_country": "address_country"
"shipping": {
"address_line1": "address_line1",
"address_line2": "address_line2",
"address_line3": "address_line3",
"address_city": "address_city",
"address_postcode": "address_postcode",
"address_state": "address_state",
"address_country": "address_country"
How to customize accepted cards
You can send a flag unaccepted_card_type
to block the usage of a specific card type. The available options are 'DEBIT' and 'CREDIT'.
Example code
The following example demonstrates how to block the card:
var src = new paydock.ClickToPay(
unaccepted_card_type: 'DEBIT'
Personalize the Style
Customize the look and feel of your UI. The following example demonstrates changes in the styling of the buttons.
Example code
var src = new paydock.ClickToPay(
enable_src_popup: true,
primary_button_color: 'red',
secondary_button_color: 'red',
primary_button_text_color: 'red',
secondary_button_text_color: 'red',
font_family: 'Arial',
PayPal Integration
Our recommended approach for Paypal integration is to use our Client SDK. This handles most of the complexity of integrating Paypal into your plaform. You can implement PayPal manually, in the process below.
PayPal checkout allows your customers to pay using PayPal. The PayPal checkout process creates a one-time token that can be used to add a payment source to a customer, create a customer or charge a customer.
The process for taking a payment with PayPal checkout is:
- When the customer visits this URL, they will be promoted to log into their PayPal account, then is sent to the redirect URL.
- Call /v1/payment_sources/external_checkout with a redirect URL, which will return a custom PayPal checkout link. Provide a way for the customer to visit this URL (e.g. pay with PayPal button)
- Collect the PayPal token from the URL.
- Call /v1/payment_sources/tokens to create a single use token. This token can be used to add a payment source to a customer, create a customer or charge a customer.
Create checkout link
curl -X "POST" \
-H "x-user-secret-key: x-user-secret-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"mode\":\"tsest\",\"type\":\"paypal\",\"gateway_id\":\"583d7c75a1723f941b7137f4\",\"success_redirect_url\":\"\",\"error_redirect_url\":\"\",\"description\":\"My test PayDock description\"}"
"Example of response (201)"
"status": 200,
"error": null,
"resource": {
"type": "payment_source",
"data": {
"checkout_type": "link",
"link": "",
"reference_id": "EC-12D76527BK035913Y",
"mode": "test",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0eXBlIjoicGF5cGFsIiwiZ2F0ZXdheV9pZCI6IjU4M2JlYjViYTIzMjc3ZjYxOTExZjg2YiIsImdhdGV3YXlfdHlwZSI6IlBheXBhbENsYXNzaWMiLCJzcGVjaWZpY0RhdGEiOnsiY2hlY2tvdXRfdG9rZW4iOiJFQy0xMkQ3NjUyN0JLMDM1OTEzWSJ9LCJtb2RlIjoidGVzdCIsImlhdCI6MTQ4MDQ1MjI5MH0.DN5eLG-VyAIcQJlkBRX0NHav5svPQ4jrM_u0V9QRD1I"
Checkout link redirects a user to PayPal website which will require them to accept the agreements for using PayPal to process further transactions. The Merchant should place this link on the site, so that the end user can accept the checkout token for further operations (create customers, charges, subscriptions, update customer payment sources).
POST /v1/payment_sources/external_checkout
Field Name | Description | Details |
mode | Parameter which determines PayPal account mode. Values: test, live | String, optional |
gateway_id | ID of a PayDock gateway. Note: only a PayPal Express checkout gateway has ability to work with checkout tokens | String, required |
success_redirect_url | URL to which customers will be redirected to after accepting agreements on the PayPal checkout page. After redirecting, PayPal will add query param "token=[some PayPal token here]". In PayDock response this token is named as "reference_id". See examples | String, required |
error_redirect_url | URL to which customers will be redirected to after canceling operations or experiencing an error on the PayPal checkout page. After redirecting, PayPal will add query param "token=[some PayPal token here]". In PayDock response this token is named as "reference_id". See examples | String, required |
description | Custom description that will be shown on a PayPal page when accepting the token | String, optional |
meta | Object where can be specified optional information about customer | Object, optional, optional |
brand_name | A label that overrides the business name in the PayPal account on the PayPal hosted checkout pages | String, optional |
reference | Merchant Customer Service number displayed on the PayPal pages | String, optional |
The consumer’s email | String, optional | |
hdr_img | URL for the image you want to appear at the top left of the payment page | String, optional |
logo_img | A URL to your logo image | String, optional |
first_name | The consumer’s given names | String, optional |
last_name | The consumer’s surname | String, optional |
address_line | Street address | String, optional |
address_line2 | Second line of the address | String, optional |
address_city | City | String, optional |
address_postcode | Postcode | String, optional |
hide_shipping_address | Determines whether PayPal displays shipping address fields on the PayPal pages | String, optional |
phone | The consumer’s phone number in E.164 international notation (Example: +12345678901) | String, optional |
Create PayDock one-time token using PayPal checkout token
curl -X "POST[users_public_key]" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"type\":\"checkout_token\",\"gateway_id\":\"583d78caa17233341b712bbc\",\"checkout_token\":\"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0eXBlIjoicGF5cGFsIiwiZ2F0ZXdheV9pZCI6IjU4M2JlYjViYTIzMjc3ZjYxOTExZjg2YiIsImdhdGV3YXlfdHlwZSI6IlBheXBhbENsYXNzaWMiLCJzcGVjaWZpY0RhdGEiOnsiY2hlY2tvdXRfdG9rZW4iOiJFQy0xMkQ3NjUyN0JLMDM1OTEzWSJ9LCJtb2RlIjoidGVzdCIsImlhdCI6MTQ4MDQ1MjI5MH0.DN5eLG-VyAIcQJlkBRX0NHav5svPQ4jrM_u0V9QRD1I\"}"
"Example of response (201)"
"status": 201,
"error": null,
"resource": {
"type": "token",
"data": "bb7fcdfc-1322-sdd8-adba-2c265adb8b25"
Before initiating a call to create a one-time token for PayPal, the user must have created a PayPal checkout token using the checkout link. The response returns a one-time token that can be used to:
POST /v1/payment_sources/tokens?public_key=[users_public_key]
Field Name | Description | Details |
type | Type of payment source gateway to be created. Available values: "checkout_token" | String, required |
gateway_id | Id of a gateway, that was previously added to PayDock | String, required |
public_key | PayDock users public key | String, required |
checkout_token | Token, that was created on previously step. | String, required |
PayPal Smart Button Integration
PayPal Checkout with Smart Payment Buttons gives your merchants a simplified and secure checkout experience. PayPal intelligently presents the most relevant payment types to your shoppers, automatically, making it easier for them to complete their purchase using credit card payments. Also, you can enable the Pay in 4 feature at PayPal Checkout. In this case, you can split your purchase into 4 payments, with the down payment due at the time of transaction and 3 subsequent payments made every 2 weeks thereafter.
Add PayPal Gateway
First, you must connect to the PayPal gateway at Paydock. Please refer to our PayPal integration guide. After adding a gateway, you can use the PayPal Smart Button. This allows customers to log into PayPal during each checkout and select the shipping address and credit card or other payment method they wish to use. The Paypal Smart Button can be added to the website via the Client SDK package.
How the PayPal Smart Button works
Below is a step-by-step flow of the charge made via the PayPal Smart button: 1. Create a wallet token to utilize it in Client SDK using the {{url}}/v1/charges/wallet endpoint. 2. Use our Client SDK to create a payment form with the checkout button that redirects a client to an external PayPal checkout process. 3. After clicking the PayPal Smart Payment button, the client logs into their PayPal account. 4. As soon as the client is logged into the account, the PayPal Checkout page is rendered into PayPal SDK with a summary of the charge information and a PayPal Smart Button. 5. It is possible to modify the amount and shipping_amount parameters using the {{url}}/v1/charges/:id endpoint. These parameters can be updated if they were modified during the checkout. 6. After clicking the Pay Now button, a Successful/Failed payment message is sent to the client's side. 7. Finally, the PayPal popup is closed.
Add the PayPal Smart Button
The PayPal Smart Button can be added to the merchant's website via the Client SDK package. You can find more information about how to integrate this button into your website in the wallet-buttons-examples section of the package’s readme.
Apple Pay Integration
Apple Pay is a digital wallet service by Apple Inc. that allows merchants to make payments in person, in iOS apps, and on the web using Safari. This feature is supported by the iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, and Mac.
Add Apple Pay & MasterCard Gateway
- It is needed to create an Apple developer account using this link. After the account is successfully created, you should set up a Merchant ID, Merchant Domain, Payment Processing Certificate (used for the encryption process) and Merchant Identity Certificate (used to authenticate the communication with Apple Pay servers). More information about this can be found using these links: Configuring Your Environment Configure Apple Pay on the web
- The next step is connecting the MasterCard gateway at Paydock. You can refer to our MasterCard integration guide.
- After the setup at Paydock is configured, upload the Apple Payment Processing Certificate to the MPGS Merchant Administration dashboard by going to Admin > Device Payments > Add New Certificate. Note: For Apple Pay to work correctly, it is needed to select the ‘Enable Wallet Payments’ checkbox for the MasterCard service at Paydock’s dashboard.
Apple Pay (MPGS) Checkout Flow
Below is a step-by-step flow of the Apple Pay checkout button:
- Create a wallet token to utilize it in Client SDK using the {{url}}/v1/charges/wallet endpoint.
- Use our Client SDK to create a payment form with the checkout button that displays the Apple Pay payment sheet to your customers.
- After clicking the Apple Pay button, the Apple Payment Sheet is displayed.
- The customer can update Credit Card and Billing information and confirm the payment.
- Finally, the Apple Pay sheet is closed.
Add the Apple Pay Checkout Button
The Apple Pay button can be added to the website via the Client SDK package. You can find information on how this can be integrated into your website here in the 'wallet-buttons-examples' section.
Afterpay Integration
Afterpay checkout allows your customers to pay using Afterpay. The Afterpay checkout process creates a one-time token that can be used to add a direct payment.
Before allowing a customer to checkout with Afterpay, check the configuration for Afterpay to ensure that this order will be accepted successfully. You can do this by calling (Afterpay configuration)[#afterpay-configuration]. The configuration does not need to be checked before every order, but it should be checked regularly (eg every day).
Using the client SDK
The easiest way to do this is through the client SDK
Direct API integration
You can also integrate directly with the PayDock API, without using the client SDK.
The process for taking a payment with Afterpay checkout is:
- Call /v1/payment_sources/external_checkout with a redirect URL, which will return a custom Afterpay checkout link. Provide a way for the customer to visit this URL (eg pay with Afterpay button)
- When the customer visits this URL, they will be promoted to log into their Afterpay account, then is sent to the redirect URL.
- Collect the Afterpay token from the URL.
- Call /v1/payment_sources/tokens to create a single use token. This token can be used to add a direct payment.
Create checkout link
curl -X "POST" \
-H "x-user-secret-key: x-user-secret-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\”mode\”:\”test\”, \”error_redirect_url\”: \”\”, \”success_redirect_url\”: \”\”, \”type\”:\”afterpay\”, \”gateway_id\”:\”59003f15eccac620e61aad6c\”, \”meta\”: { \”amount\”: \”50\”, \”currency\”: \”AUD\”, \”reference\”: \”testreference\”, \”email\”: \”\”, \”first_name\”: \”Samantha\”, \”last_name\”: \”Washington\”, \”address_line1\”: \”Suite 660\”, \”address_line2\”: \”822 Ruiz Square\”, \”address_city\”: \”Lake Edward\”, \”address_state\”: \”NSW\”, \”address_postcode\”: \“1234\”, \”address_country\”: \”Australia\”, \”phone\”: \”040000000\”} }"
"Example of response (201)"
"status": 200,
"error": null,
"resource": {
"type": "payment_source",
"data": {
"link": "",
"mode": "test",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0eXBlIjoiY2hlY2tvdXRfdG9rZW4iLCJnYXRld2F5X2lkIjoiNTkwMDNmMTVlY2NhYzYyMGU2MWFhZDZjIiwiZ2F0ZXdheV90eXBlIjoiQWZ0ZXJwYXkiLCJzcGVjaWZpY0RhdGEiOnsiY2hlY2tvdXRfdG9rZW4iOiI0YTc2ZTdnZDAwN2oyZGZkdWNucmhwaWVtZDc5cTM3b2NicDhkcmx0MDA0MW1uYm45YWZkIn0sIm1vZGUiOiJ0ZXN0IiwiaWF0IjoxNDkzMjk3MjY3fQ.z5pva920TWoe9q4wqAFii97j4Y9OEG0q6nnNICPaxn0"
Checkout link redirects a user to Afterpay website which will require them to accept the agreements for using Afterpay to process transaction. The Merchant should place this link on the site, so that the end user can accept the checkout token for further operation (create charge).
POST /v1/payment_sources/external_checkout
Field Name | Description | Details |
gateway_id | ID of a PayDock gateway. Note: only "Afterpay" gateway has ability to work with this type of checkout tokens | String, required |
success_redirect_url | URL to which customers will be redirected to after accepting agreements on the Afterpay checkout page. After redirecting, Afterpay will add query param "token=[some Afterpay token here]". In PayDock response this token is named as "reference_id". See examples | String, required |
error_redirect_url | URL to which customers will be redirected to after canceling operations or experiencing an error on the Afterpay checkout page. After redirecting, Afterpay will add query param "token=[some Afterpay token here]". In PayDock response this token is named as "reference_id". See examples | String, required |
description | Custom description that will be shown on a Afterpay page when accepting the token | String, optional |
meta | Object with additional information, needed for particular gateway | Object, optional |
amount | Amount to be payed | String, required |
currency | Currency code | String, optional |
items | Additional information of an order items | Array, optional |
name | Product name | String, required |
sku | Product SKU | String, optional |
quantity | The quantity of the item | Number, required |
price | The price of the item | String, required |
amount | The amount of an item rounded to 2 decimal places | Number, required |
currency | The currency is a ISO 4217 format value. Currently only AUD is supported | String, required |
The consumer’s email | String, optional | |
first_name | The consumer’s given names | String, optional |
last_name | The consumer’s surname | String, optional |
address_line1 | Street address | String, optional |
address_line2 | Second line of the address | String, optional |
address_city | City | String, optional |
address_state | State | String, optional |
address_postcode | Postcode | String, optional |
address_country | ISO 3166-1 country code | String, optional |
phone | The consumer’s phone number in E.164 international notation (Example: +12345678901) | String, optional |
Create Afterpay one-time token using Afterpay checkout token
curl -X "POST[users_public_key]" \
-H "x-user-secret-key: x-user-secret-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"type\": \"checkout_token\" ,\"gateway_id\":\"583d7c75a1723f941b7137f4\",\"checkout_token\":\"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0eXBlIjoicGF5cGFsIiwiZ2F0ZXdheV9pZCI6IjU4M2JlYjViYTIzMjc3ZjYxOTExZjg2YiIsImdhdGV3YXlfdHlwZSI6IlBheXBhbENsYXNzaWMiLCJzcGVjaWZpY0RhdGEiOnsiY2hlY2tvdXRfdG9rZW4iOiJFQy0xMkQ3NjUyN0JLMDM1OTEzWSJ9LCJtb2RlIjoidGVzdCIsImlhdCI6MTQ4MDQ1MjI5MH0.DN5eLG-VyAIcQJlkBRX0NHav5svPQ4jrM_u0V9QRD1I\"}"
"Example of response (201)"
"status": 201,
"error": null,
"resource": {
"type": "token",
"data": "bb7fcdfc-1322-sdd8-adba-2c265adb8b25"
Before initiating a call to create a one-time token for Afterpay, the user must have created a Afterpay checkout token using the checkout link. The response returns a one-time token that can be used to:
POST /v1/payment_sources/tokens?public_key=[users_public_key]
Field Name | Description | Details |
type | Type of payment source gateway to be created. Use checkout_token for case, when token created on previous step in PayDock. Use external_checkout_token for token, that was created and accepted on gateway side | String, required |
gateway_id | Id of a gateway, that was previously added to PayDock | String, required |
public_key | PayDock users public key | String, required |
checkout_token | Token, that was created on previous step (used with type - checkout_token) or generated and accepted on gateways side (used with type - external_checkout_token) . | String, required |
Afterpay Configuration
curl -X "GET[afterpay_gateway_id]/config" \
-H "x-user-secret-key: x-user-secret-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
"Example of response (200)"
"status": 200,
"error": null,
"resource": {
"type": "configs",
"data": [
"description": "Pay over time",
"maximumAmount": {
"amount": "1000.00",
"currency": "AUD"
Retrieve the configuration from Afterpay to confirm the maximum amount allowed for a transaction. This should be called regularly (eg every day).
Other features
You can also use other standard requests from the PayDock API to work with Afterpay transactions including:
- Refund transactions (including partial refunds) Refund Charge
- Get status for a single transaction Get Single Charge
- Search for transactions Transaction Search
Zip Money Integration
ZipMoney checkout allows your customers to pay using ZipMoney or ZipPay. The checkout process creates a one-time token that can be used to add a direct payment.
The process includes the customer logging in or signing up for ZipMoney or ZipPay.
ZipMoney will allow you to store payment details, without needing the customer to log in again. This needs to be approved by ZipMoney for your account. If tokenisation is enabled for your account, you can through tokenize = true to enable.
We also recommend that you send through as many parameters as possible, as it is more likely that transactions will be approved with more information.
When a new account is being created, it might not be immediately approved. See Refer Process for more details.
Using the client SDK
The easiest way to do this is through the client SDK, which handles the process of displaying a login window through to creating a payment token. Once you have a token, you can use that to either save the payment details or create a payment, see Client SDK Documentation.
Direct API integration
We recomment that the client SDK should be used with ZipMoney. However you can also directly integrate with the PayDock API.
The process for taking a payment with ZipMoney checkout is:
- Call /v1/payment_sources/external_checkout with a redirect URL, which will return a custom Zip Money checkout link. Provide a way for the customer to visit this URL (eg pay with ZipPay)
- When the customer visits this URL, they will be promoted to log into their Zip Money account or register for a new account. When they've completed this they will be sent is sent to the redirect URL.
- Collect the Zip Money token from the URL.
- Call /v1/payment_sources/tokens to create a single use token. This token can be used to add a direct payment or to use as a recurring payment token. Important note: When you set this up as a recurring payment token, this will take a payment for that items selected.
Create checkout link
curl -X "POST" \
-H "x-user-secret-key: x-user-secret-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"mode\": \"test\",\"gateway_id\":\"59637d35f2aa0c136b0128e2\",\"redirect_url\":\"\",\"reference\": \"transaction_reference_number\",\"meta\": {\"first_name\": \"Samantha\",\"last_name\": \"Washington\",\"tokenize\": true,\"shipping_address\": { \"first_name\": \"Samantha\", \"last_name\": \"Washington\", \"line1\": \"Suite 660\", \"country\": \"AU\", \"postcode\": \"2000\", \"city\": \"Sydney\", \"state\": \"NSW\" }, \"billing_address\": { \"first_name\": \"Samantha\", \"last_name\": \"Washington\", \"line1\": \"Suite 660\", \"country\": \"AU\", \"postcode\": \"2000\", \"city\": \"Sydney\", \"state\": \"NSW\" },\"amount\": \"4\", \"currency\":\"AUD\",\"reference\":\"transaction_reference\",\"email\":\"\",\"items\": [{\"name\":\"ACME Tollbox\",\"amount\":\"2\",\"quantity\": 1,\"reference\":\"sds\"},{\"name\":\"Device 42\",\"amount\":\"2\",\"quantity\": 1,\"reference\":\"sds1\"}],\"statistics\": {\"account_created\": \"2017-05-05\",\"sales_total_number\": \"5\",\"sales_total_amount\": \"4\",\"sales_avg_value\": \"45\",\"sales_max_value\": \"400\",\"refunds_total_amount\": \"1\",\"previous_chargeback\": \"false\",\"currency\": \"AUD\",\"last_login\": \"2017-06-01\"}},\"description\": \"Vitae commodi provident assumenda\"}"
"Example of response (201)"
"status": 200,
"error": null,
"resource": {
"type": "payment_source",
"data": {
"link": "",
"mode": "test",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0eXBlIjoiY2hlY2tvdXRfdG9rZW4iLCJnYXRld2F5X2lkIjoiNTkwMDNmMTVlY2NhYzYyMGU2MWFhZDZjIiwiZ2F0ZXdheV90eXBlIjoiQWZ0ZXJwYXkiLCJzcGVjaWZpY0RhdGEiOnsiY2hlY2tvdXRfdG9rZW4iOiI0YTc2ZTdnZDAwN2oyZGZkdWNucmhwaWVtZDc5cTM3b2NicDhkcmx0MDA0MW1uYm45YWZkIn0sIm1vZGUiOiJ0ZXN0IiwiaWF0IjoxNDkzMjk3MjY3fQ.z5pva920TWoe9q4wqAFii97j4Y9OEG0q6nnNICPaxn0"
Checkout link redirects a user to Zip Money website which will require them to accept the agreements for using Zip Money to process transaction or create a new account. When this link is clicked the user can accept the checkout token for further operation (create charge).
When you create the checkout link, some of the information is optional. However providing as much information as possible will mean a new registration is more likely to be approved.
If someone is registering for the for a new account, their registration can be:
- Approved
- Delined
- Referred
Referals require special handling, see Refer Process
POST /v1/payment_sources/external_checkout
Field Name | Description | Details |
mode | Parameter which determines Zip Money account mode. Values: 'test', 'live' | String, optional |
gateway_id | ID of a PayDock gateway. Note: this will only work for gateways that are either Zip Money / Zip Pay | String, required |
redirect_url | URL to which customers will be redirected to after signing into Zip Money / Zip Pay or registering for a new account. After redirecting, Zip Money will add query param "checkoutid=[some Zip Money token here]". In PayDock response this token is named as "reference_id". See examples | String, required |
description | Custom description that will be shown on a Zip Money page when accepting the token | String, optional |
meta | Object with additional information | Object, required |
first_name | First name for the customer | String, required |
last_name | Last name for the customer | String, required |
phone | The consumer’s phone number in E.164 international notation (Example: +12345678901) | String, optional |
tokenize | Controls whether to tokenize the Zip Money / Zip Pay account, defaults to 'false' | Boolean, optional |
The consumer’s email | String, required | |
gender | Customer's gender | String, optional |
date_of_birth | Birthday of the customer | String, optional |
charge | Charge information | Object, required |
amount | Amount to be paid | Float, required |
currency | Currency code | String, required |
items | Collection of order items | Object, required |
name | Name of the item | String, required |
amount | Amount of the item | String, required |
quantity | Quantity of the item | Integer, required |
type | Type of the item, values can be: 'sku', 'tax', 'shipping', 'discount' | String, optional |
reference | Reference of the item | String, optional |
item_uri | Url of the item in your store | String, optional |
image_url | Url of the image in your store | String, optional |
shipping_address | Object with shipping address details | Object, required |
first_name | Shipping first name | String, optional |
last_name | Shipping last name | String, optional |
line1 | Shipping address line 1 | String, required |
line2 | Shipping address line 2 | String, optional |
city | Shipping city | String, required |
state | Shipping state | String, required |
postcode | Shipping postcode | String, required |
country | Shipping country | String, required |
billing_address | Object with billing address details | Object, optional |
first_name | Billing first name | String, optional |
last_name | Billing last name | String, optional |
line1 | Billing address line 1 | String, required |
line2 | Billing address line 2 | String, optional |
city | Billing city | String, required |
state | Billing state | String, required |
postcode | Billing postcode | String, required |
country | Billing country | String, required |
Create Zip Money one-time token using Zip Money checkout token
curl -X "POST[users_public_key]" \
-H "x-user-secret-key: x-user-secret-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"type\": \"checkout_token\" ,\"gateway_id\":\"583d7c75a1723f941b7137f4\",\"checkout_token\":\"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0eXBlIjoicGF5cGFsIiwiZ2F0ZXdheV9pZCI6IjU4M2JlYjViYTIzMjc3ZjYxOTExZjg2YiIsImdhdGV3YXlfdHlwZSI6IlBheXBhbENsYXNzaWMiLCJzcGVjaWZpY0RhdGEiOnsiY2hlY2tvdXRfdG9rZW4iOiJFQy0xMkQ3NjUyN0JLMDM1OTEzWSJ9LCJtb2RlIjoidGVzdCIsImlhdCI6MTQ4MDQ1MjI5MH0.DN5eLG-VyAIcQJlkBRX0NHav5svPQ4jrM_u0V9QRD1I\"}"
"Example of response (201)"
"status": 201,
"error": null,
"resource": {
"type": "token",
"data": "bb7fcdfc-1322-sdd8-adba-2c265adb8b25"
Before initiating a call to create a one-time token for Zip Money, the user must have created a Zip Money checkout token using the checkout link. The response returns a one-time token that can be used to:
POST /v1/payment_sources/tokens?public_key=[users_public_key]
Field Name | Description | Details |
type | Type of payment source gateway to be created. Use checkout_token for case, when token created on previous step in PayDock. Use external_checkout_token for token, that was created and accepted on gateway side | String, required |
gateway_id | Id of a gateway, that was previously added to PayDock | String, required |
public_key | PayDock users public key | String, required |
checkout_token | Token, that was created on previous step (used with type - checkout_token) or generated and accepted on gateways side (used with type - external_checkout_token) . | String, required |
Zip Money Refer Process
In some cases when a new account is registered, it might not be possible to make an immediate approval. In this case, if this is approved, the user will get an email with a link to confirm their new account. This link will redirect them to the success_redirect_url configured in the checkout link. It's important that this URL contains enough information for them to continue the checkout. For example, this should include the id for the shopping cart for the user.
From there, the process is similar to a standard checkout flow, Create a PayDock token then use that token to make the payment.
Other features
You can also use other standard requests from the PayDock API to work with ZipMoney transactions including:
- Refund transactions (including partial refunds) Refund Charge
- Get status for a single transaction Get Single Charge
- Search for transactions Transaction Search
We do not recommend using PayDock.js to take payments - this is a legacy solution.
Our recommended approach of collecting payment details is to use our Client SDK.
Only if Client SDK is not an option should Paydock.js be used to collect payment details.
PayDock.js is a client side library for converting all Credit Card and Direct Debit credentials into one-time tokens and securely sending information from a web form. Using this library, you can avoid sending credit card or bank account details to your server, reducing your PCI compliance requirements.
This library is a wrapper around the PayDock API and provides a javascript friendly interface to creating tokens.
The overall process is:
Quick start
It's easy to start using PayDock.js. Just add the following script to your website, set the endpoint and public key and start making calls.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Setting Customer public key
Your must set your Public Key before using Paydock.js to identify the website when communicating with PayDock.
Credentials can be gathered from the Customer Account page on the PayDock Admin Portal.
API endpoints
Use this method in script to send to Production endpoint
Paydock.setSandbox(false); // Default value.
Use this method in script to send to Sandbox endpoint
One-time token
CreateToken converts sensitive card data into one-time tokens which you can use to safely use to trigger operations related pass to your Customers such as creating charges, subscription, new Customers, or when updating the customer payment_source of a current customer.
You can create one-time tokens using either credit card or debit card details (see examples).
Field Name | Description | Details |
account_name | Customer account name. Parameter required when using Direct Debit only | String, required for bsb |
account_bsb | Customer bank state branch number. Parameter required when using Direct Debit only | String, required for bsb |
account_number | Number of Customer account. Parameter required when using Direct Debit only | Integer, required for bsb |
account_routing | Number of Customer account. BSB/Routing/SWIFT/IBAN Number. | Integer, required for bank account |
account_holder_type | Account type ('personal' or 'business') | Integer, required for bank account |
account_bank_name | Name of account bank | Integer, required for bank account |
gateway_id | ID of a gateway in PayDock system. | String, required |
card_name | Name on credit card | String, required for credit card |
card_number | Credit card number | Integer, required for credit card |
expire_month | Month of the credit card expiry | Integer, required for credit card |
expire_year | Year of the credit card expiry | Integer, required for credit card |
card_ccv | Security code on the back side of the card | Integer, required for credit card |
type | Values are "card" or "bsb". By default PayDock is using "card" type | String, optional |
first_name | First name | String, optional |
last_name | Last name | String, optional |
String, optional |
JQuery example
This example uses jquery to map the elements of the form to the data to be sent through using paydock.js.
The form includes customer details (email, phone etc), which are optional when creating a token.
Finally the form appends a hidden element, storing the one-time token in temp_token form field. This would need to be handled server side to create a customer, take a payment or create a subscription.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<table width="100%">
<form name="payment_source" method="post" action="form.php">
<input type="text" name="gateway_id"/>
gateway_id *
<input type="text" name="card_name"/>
card_name *
<input type="text" name="card_number"/>
card_number *
<input type="text" name="expire_month"/>
expire_month *
<input type="text" name="expire_year"/>
expire_year *
<input type="text" name="card_ccv"/>
card_ccv *
<input type="text" name="first_name"/>
first_name *
<input type="text" name="last_name"/>
last_name *
<input type="text" name="email"/>
email *
<input type="text" name="phone"/>
<input type="text" name="address_line1"/>
<input type="text" name="address_line2"/>
<input type="text" name="address_city"/>
<input type="text" name="address_state"/>
<input type="text" name="address_country"/>
<input type="text" name="address_postcode"/>
<button type="submit">Send</button>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script language="text/javascript">
// Token creation
(function(form) {
var form = $('form[name="payment_source"]');
form.on('submit', function(event) {
var formData = {};
form.serializeArray().map( function(input) {
formData[] = input.value;
function (token, status) {
form.append($('<input type="hidden" name="temp_token" />').val(token));
function (res, status) {
We do not recommend using this iFrame widget to take payments - this is a legacy solution.
Our recommended approach of collecting payment details is to initialise the iFrame through our Client SDK.
Our Client SDK wraps some of the complexity of creating an iframe in an easy to use javascript library. Only if you cannot use the Client SDK should you implement the iFrame manually via the process below.
The iFrame is a solution for collecting and handling payment sources in secure way. There are two steps to the iFrame configuration.
The overall process is:
First you need to generate a URL for your iframe, which you can do through our admin interface or by making calls to our API.
Once you have a iframe in place, you can collect the payment details from a number of sources:
- From Javascript events on the iframe
- From a redirect
- From webhook result
Creating configuration token from the Web application
You can generate an iframe configuration token through the PayDock Admin Portal:
Create configuration token with an API call
curl -X "POST" \
-H "x-user-secret-key: x-user-secret-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"purpose\":\"payment_source\",\"predefined_fields\": {\"gateway_id\":\"1\",\"type\":\"card\"},\"defined_form_fields\": [\"first_name\",\"last_name\",\"email\",\"phone\",\"address_line1\",\"address_line2\",\"address_country\",\"address_city\",\"address_postcode\"]}"
"Example of response (200)"
"status": 200,
"error": null,
"resource": {
"type": "configurationToken",
"data": {
"configuration_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwdXJwb3NlIjoicGF5bWVudF9zb3VyY2UiLCJwcmVkZWZpbmVkX2ZpZWxkcyI6eyJnYXRld2F5X2lkIjoiNTgxYzc1M2E4ZjUxNTY0NzIzNjYzZmU3IiwidHlwZSI6ImNhcmQifSwid2ViaG9va19kZXN0aW5hdGlvbiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcmVxdWVzdGIuaW4vYmxhYmxhIiwiZGVmaW5lZF9mb3JtX2ZpZWxkcyI6WyJmaXJzdF9uYW1lIiwibGFzdF9uYW1lIiwiZW1haWwiLCJwaG9uZSIsImFkZHJlc3NfbGluZTEiLCJhZGRyZXNzX2xpbmUyIiwiYWRkcmVzc19jb3VudHJ5IiwiYWRkcmVzc19jaXR5IiwiYWRkcmVzc19wb3N0Y29kZSJdLCJpYXQiOjE0NzgyNzE0NTd9.YP-cAKsC3_pPBmuQdD17zHNj8B6dZ1SILj86h8IeQBQ"
Rather than using the PayDock Admin portal, you can automate creating a configuration token using our API. This is useful for custom usages of the iframe.
POST /v1/remote-action/configs
Field Name | Description | Details |
purpose | Purpose of iFrame form. Available parameters: 'payment_source' | string, required |
webhook_destination | Destination, where customer will receive all successful responses. Response will contain "data" object with "payment_source" parameter. Parameter "payment_source" used as "token" in future requests and needed for | string, required |
allowed_response_data | Object containing event information to send | Object optional |
url | Array of parameters to send on redirect url, allowed values are 'payment_source'. Pass empty array to avoid sending any events | Array optional |
event | Array of parameters to send on javascript events, allowed values are 'payment_source'. In case of empty array will be set as default | Array optional |
success_redirect_url | URL to which the Customer will be redirected to after the processed operation | String, optional |
error_redirect_url | URL to which the Customer will be redirected to if an error is triggered in the process of operation | String, optional |
predefined_fields | Object with required information | Object, required |
gateway_id | ID of a gateway connected to PayDock | String, required |
type | Type of payment source which shows in iFrame form. Parameters : "card", "bsb". | String, required |
defined_form_fields | Array with iFrame form field, which will be shown in form | Array, required |
first_name | first_name | String, optional |
last_name | last_name | String, optional |
String, optional | ||
phone</span | phone | String, optional |
address_line1 | address_line1 | String, optional |
address_line2 | address_line2 | String, optional |
address_state | address_state | String, optional |
address_country | address_country | String, optional |
address_city | address_city | String, optional |
address_postcode | address_postcode | String, optional |
account_bank_name | account_bank_name available in case when "type" is bank account | String, optional |
account_bsb | account_bsb available in case when "type" is bank account | String, optional |
account_holder_type | account_holder_type available in case when "type" is bank account | String, optional |
account_routing | account_routing available in case when "type" is bank account | String, optional |
account_type | account_type available in case when "type" is bank account | String, optional |
Styling iFrame form
Styles for the iFrame can be configured as encoded URL parameters. Examples as follows:
Field Name | Description | Details |
background_color | Color of a form background. Value could be in several types. Example: "black" or "#000000" or "rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,1)" | String, required |
text_color | Color of a form text. Value could be in several types. Example: "black" or "#000000" or "rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,1)" | String, required |
public_key | PayDock users public key | String, required |
configuration_token | Token of iFrame configuration that was created in previous step. Using configuration with 1 payment source type will not show name of iFrame tab. | String, required |
configuration_tokens | Tokens of iFrame configuration that was created in previous step. This parameter is needed only when using several configuration tokens (several payment source types, such as "card" or "bank_account"). Pass value to this parameter, separated by ",". Each token will be shown in a separate tab inside the Customer iFrame. Values for this parameter generated in step "Create configuration token" (please, see above). In Examples tab, Customer can see how to use several token values. | Array, optional |
title | Title of an iFrame form | String, optional |
border_color | Color of all borders in a form. Value could be in several types. Example: "black" or "#000000" or "rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,1)" | String, optional |
button_color | Color of a button in a form. Value could be in several types. Example: "black" or "#000000" or "rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,1)" | String, optional |
error_color | Color of message text, when getting error. Value could be in several types. Example: "black" or "#000000" or "rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,1)" | String, optional |
success_color | Color of message text, when operation success. Value could be in several types. Example: "black" or "#000000" or "rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,1)" | String, optional |
finish_text | Custom text after successful completion of the operation | String, optional |
ref_id | Custom value for identify result of processed operation | String, optional |
fields_validation | Boolean value in case when it is true will be shown server validation for fields | String, optional |
supported_card_types | Collection of available payment cards. Will be shown list of images above iframe | Array, optional |
hidden_elements | Field for setting names of elements which can be hidden (e.g. 'submit_button, tabs') | Array, optional |
form_values | Query string where can be set values and params which can be set as default for fields | String, optional |
Events sent from iFrame form
"Example of events and data that iframe sends"
"event": "afterLoad",
"purpose": "payment_source",
"message_source": "widget.paydock",
"ref_id": "testRef"
"event": "validationError",
"purpose": "payment_source",
"message_source": "widget.paydock",
"ref_id": "testRef"
"event": "submit",
"purpose": "payment_source",
"message_source": "widget.paydock",
"ref_id": "testRef"
"event": "finish",
"purpose": "payment_source",
"message_source": "widget.paydock",
"ref_id": "testRef",
"payment_source" : "162bfd33-212f-4546-8127-f9596e37d4d1"
Events are fired throughout the lifecycle of the iFrame. Each event includes an "" object containing data about the event. Note: "payment_source" can be configured to be disabled.
The following events are fired:
Event | Description |
afterLoad | immediately after the iFrame has loaded |
submit | when the form is submitted |
validationError | when there is an error in the form |
finish | when all fields are filled correctly and token is created and returned |
Get and handle a redirect
By default, the iframe will not include the one-time token on the redirect. It can be configured to send this through the admin inteface or by setting the parameter in the API.
When a request is redirected, it will include "payment_source" in the URL.
Get and handle webhook result
"Example of response of webhook"
"data": {
"payment_source": "162bfd33-212f-4546-8127-f9596e37d4d1",
"custom_reference": "testref",
"configuration_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwdXJwb3NlIjoicGF5bWVudF9zb3VyY2UiLCJwcmVkZWZpbmVkX2ZpZWxkcyI6eyJ0eXBlIjoiY2FyZCIsImdhdGV3YXlfaWQiOiI1ODEwNDFhYWFmNDZlZGIzMGMxZmE1OTkifSwid2ViaG9va19kZXN0aW5hdGlvbiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcmVxdWVzdGIuaW4vcGNmYWl4cGMiLCJzdWNjZXNzX3JlZGlyZWN0X3VybCI6IiIsImVycm9yX3JlZGlyZWN0X3VybCI6IiIsImRlZmluZWRfZm9ybV9maWVsZHMiOltdLCJpYXQiOjE0Nzg1MzMzOTJ9.AINNuIWd5of3bPw9V8bcg7xi6vLMsFRdXoqLf7Rjk-A"
"signature": "c67de0091aae55ebe432309f957f42f39e93beb71f5d38267b4dc521b8db53cf"
In result of iFrame process customer will get webhook with "data" object and "signature" value.
The signature can be used to verify the integrity of the data. To check if the data is correct, you will need to:
- Make string of Customer data object
- Encrypt secret key using 'SHA-256' algorithm.
- Combine string with Customer data string with encrypted secret key
- Encrypt string using 'SHA-256' algorithm which Customer get in step 3.
- Compare result with signature value from webhook
Other Resources
Fraud detection service
Available only if configured for your account. PayDock Fraud detection API has an ability to operate in 'active' mode where PayDock will: Collect and report but also take the following actions
- Block transactions and flag when the status is REJECT
- Allow transactions to continue when the status is APPROVE
Or in ‘passive' mode (where PayDock collects and reports, but does not respond to Fraud Service responses, and doesn’t block transaction processing)
PayDock API returns all fraud-related response data inside the "fraud" section of each processed transaction.
Fraud Data Description
Field Name | Description | Possible values |
score | Overall score of the fraud risk. Bigger number means bigger risk Optional. Not all fraud providers return it. | Numeric |
status | Service-agnostic recommendation from PayDock on the base of the service response | "approve", "reject", "review", "failed" |
specific_code | Fraud service specific code | Depends on the fraud service |
specific_message | Explanation of the code, coming from the fraud service | Human-readable text |
PayDock Fraud API in the Sandbox mode is set to return custom results based on the email. While creating one-time token request use "email" key or on tha stage of creating a charge with fraud check use "" key to reproduce different type of responses:
Email value | Fraud status |
---|---| | reject | | review | | failed |
any other | approve |
Also PayDock Fraud API in the Sandbox mode is set to return custom results based on the transaction amount.
Amount | Fraud status |
101 | reject |
102 | review |
103 | failed |
any other | approve |
Required Fields by Gateway
Different gateways require different fields, see detailed listing below
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | required |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | required |
last_name | required |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | required |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
required | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | required |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | required |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | required |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | n/a |
card_number | n/a |
expire_month | n/a |
expire_year | n/a |
card_ccv | n/a |
type | required |
account_name | required |
account_bsb | required |
account_number | required |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | required |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | required |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | required |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | n/a |
card_number | n/a |
expire_month | n/a |
expire_year | n/a |
card_ccv | n/a |
type | required |
account_name | required |
account_bsb | required |
account_number | required |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | n/a |
card_number | n/a |
expire_month | n/a |
expire_year | n/a |
card_ccv | n/a |
type | required |
account_name | required |
account_bsb | required |
account_number | required |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | required |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | required |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
required | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | required |
address_postcode | required |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | required |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | required |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | required |
last_name | required |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | required |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | required |
address_state | required |
address_country | required |
address_postcode | required |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | required |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
required | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | required |
address_state | required |
address_country | required |
address_postcode | required |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | n/a |
card_number | n/a |
expire_month | n/a |
expire_year | n/a |
card_ccv | n/a |
type | required |
account_name | required |
account_bsb | required |
account_number | required |
account_routing | n/a |
account_holder_type | n/a |
account_bank_name | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | optional |
expire_year | optional |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | n/a |
card_number | n/a |
expire_month | n/a |
expire_year | n/a |
card_ccv | n/a |
type | required |
account_name | optional |
account_bsb | required |
account_number | required |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | required |
address_state | required |
address_country | required |
address_postcode | required |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | required |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | required |
address_state | required |
address_country | required |
address_postcode | required |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | n/a |
card_number | n/a |
expire_month | n/a |
expire_year | n/a |
card_ccv | n/a |
type | required |
account_name | required |
account_bsb | required |
account_number | required |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | required |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | required |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | optional |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | required |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
required | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | required |
address_postcode | required |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | required |
type | n/a |
account_name | n/a |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | n/a |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | required |
last_name | optional |
required | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | required |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | n/a |
card_number | n/a |
expire_month | n/a |
expire_year | n/a |
card_ccv | n/a |
type | required |
account_name | required |
account_bsb | n/a |
account_number | required |
account_routing | required |
account_type | required |
account_holder_type | required |
account_bank_name | required |
Field Name | Options |
amount | required |
currency | required |
reference | optional |
description | optional |
first_name | optional |
last_name | optional |
optional | |
address_line1 | optional |
address_line2 | optional |
address_city | optional |
address_state | optional |
address_country | optional |
address_postcode | optional |
gateway_id | required |
card_name | optional |
card_number | required |
expire_month | required |
expire_year | required |
card_ccv | required |
Swap Values for templates
The notification templates can be used to load parameters from the customer or transaction into the notification. These can also be used to populate the destination (eg phone number for sms).
The full list of available swap values is:
Field Name | Description |
{{CHARGE_ID}} | PayDock ID for the charge |
{{EMAIL}} | The email address for the customer associated with the event |
{{FIRST_NAME}} | The first name for the customer associated with the event |
{{LAST_NAME}} | The last name for the customer associated with the event |
{{PHONE}} | The phone number for the customer associated with the event |
{{AMOUNT}} | The amount for the transaction |
{{CURRENCY}} | The currency for the transation |
{{CUSTOMER_REFERENCE}} | The customer reference number provided by the merchant for the customer |
{{CHARGE_REFERENCE}} | The reference number provided by the merchant for the transaction |
{{CHARGE_DESCRIPTION}} | The description provided by the merchant for the transaction |
{{CREATED_AT}} | create date for the object (eg customer, subscription) in ISO format date and time (eg 2016-12-22T10:36:08.170Z) |
{{UPDATED_AT}} | updated date for the object (eg customer, subscription) in ISO format date and time (eg 2016-12-22T10:36:08.170Z) |
Card scheme mapping
Card first n digits | Code | Name |
5610, 560221, 560222, 560223, 560224, 560225 | ausbc | Australian Bank Card |
2014, 2149 | diners | Diner's Club |
36 | diners | Diner's Club International |
3528 - 3589 | japcb | Japanese Credit Bureau |
5018, 5020, 5038, 6304, 6759, 6761 - 6763 | maestro | Maestro |
6304, 6706, 6709, 6771 | laser | Laser |
6334, 6767 | solo | Solo (Paymentech) |
51 - 55, 22 - 27 | mastercard | MasterCard |
6011, 622, 64, 65 | discover | Discover |
34,37 | amex | American Express |
300 - 305, 36, 38, 54, 55, 2014, 2149 | diners | Diner's Club / Carte Blanche |
4026, 417500, 4508, 4844, 4913, 4917 | visa | Visa Electron |
4 | visa | Visa |